JDS Plugins Apps

DynaMath (Free) 1.1.2
JDS Plugins
This application displays unlimited numberofcompletely worked out examples in the following topics:01. Greatest Common Divisor02. Least Common Multiple03. Addition/Subtraction,Division/Multiplication of Fractions04. Properties of Exponents 105. Properties of Exponents 206. Properties of Exponents 307. Properties of Exponents 408. Properties of Exponents 509. Applications of Properties of Exponents10 F.O.I.L. Method11. Expand (A + B) ^212. Expand (A - B)^213. Expand (A + B)(A - B)14. Expand (A + B)^315. Expand (A - B )^316. Expand (A + B)(A^2 - AB + B^2)17. Expand (A - B)(A^2 + AB + B^2)18. Factor A^2 + 2AB + B^219. Factor A^2 - 2AB + B^220. Factor A^2 - B^221. Factor A^3 + 3A^2B + 3AB^2 + B^322. Factor A^3 - 3A^2B + 3AB^2 - B^323. Factor A^3 + B^324. Factor A^3 - B^325. Simple Factoring26. Group Factoring27. Trinomial Factoring28. Add/Subtract/Simplify Polynomials29. Multiply Polynomials30. Long Division31. Synthetic Division32. Slope Intercept Line Equation33. Point Slope Line Equation34. Point Point Line Equation35. Point of Intersection36. Mid Point I37. Mid Point II38. Distance between 2 points39. If 3 points co-linear40. If 3 points form a right angle triangle41. Equation of circle given center and radius42. Find center and radius of circle43. Equation of circle given its diameter44. Ellipse45. Hyperbola46. Solve Linear Equation47. Solve Quadratic Equation (Factoring)48. Solve Quadratic Equation (Completing the square)49. Solve Quadratic equation (Quadratic Formula)50. Solve Quadratic Equation (Imaginary Solutions)51. Add/Subtract/Simplify Rational Expressions52. Multiply/Divide Rational Expressions53. Polynomial with real zeroes54. Complex Numbers55. Complex Zeroes56. Logs57. Differentiation (20+ routines)58. Integration (30+ routines)59. Normal Distribution